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Friday, February 28, 2014

                         SOUL MATE

           It is said that a presidential candidate must be very careful(very careful) in selecting a running mate,in case they are selected! That sounds clear simply because they will be working together for almost five years of being onto power before the next universal suffrage.
           What about selecting a ‘life’ running mate……(soul mate).......a husband or a wife? in twenty four-hour period your heart beats about 100,000 times.On day,one of those beats will be your last,thus someone to share your life with as a partner till the last of your beats.
Does that does concern you? If yes,how careful should you be? And how long does it take ( to find and get the right person to marry? ) Or should you rely on what is called “Love at fight sight’’ waiting for someone to conquer the depth of your soul and get it  moved moved immediately as you see him/her?
              Take a breath  and have faith in yourself; With faith upon yourself,that is to say self-esteem and self-worth,you will live the true life of yours by being real and exceptional ( We neither share the same history nor the same life experience). That will make it easy for nature……. and/or nurture to select for you the right person,someone to share your life with! It does not take a century to get him/her as long as you are walking on the right side of the road. Not only knowing your potential as a human but also your effective position in the society you are living in,will take you just one heartbeat away from getting the right, perfect choice of yours.
             Emotional and fillings come and fade away just like a shadow on the presence and absence of intense unidirectional light. Thus,if selecting a soul mate is based wholly upon them,love dies as soon as they die away.
Most of us we think of it (life) as just being born,learn to walk and talk,go to school,graduate,party a little,find a job,get married,have kids,attending sports events,watching your hair turning loose,grey or white,retire,having fun with grandchildren,die!
          M. Gandhi once said;
                            ‘You only live once, but if you live it well,once is enough’
            As long as you were born,you will live and obvious one day you will die,that is the truth! But what matters here is how well your life on earth will be. The better the partner (soul mate) you will be having,the better your life on Earth will be. The choice is yours,make the most of it to get the right person.

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